Thursday, October 27, 2022

King Donald the First

The ad from Donald Trump, Jr., says, "My father is the Great MAGA King." It says the hat was "personally designed" by Donald himself. History lesson: since the United States Constitution was adopted in 1789, there has not been any serious movement for another King George III ruling America. Until now, maybe. My first thought was to mock Trump for not knowing American history, but on further thought, the lack of a monarchy in the USA may be what attracts him to the idea of crowning himself king. He's been President. How did that work out for him? Why not try king? His MAGA cult already stormed the Capitol for him once. Why would we think they would hesitate to toss out the Constitution altogether and genuflect to King Donald the First?

1 comment:

Agustin Gonzalez said...

We are moving to a king and there are many who support this. Look at the 2022 Supreme Court. The influence of religion in politics is seen in the disregard of the Roe decision of 50+ years as settled law, step one of the demolition of the US constitutions and personal freedoms. The disregard for expertise and knowledge to guide and make policy aiming to keep a safe society was struck down with decision that the "Environmental Protection Agency" can not protect the US citizens from environmental pollutants. I see the police redefining the word "citizens" and their role in "serving and protecting" next... ohh wait...