Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Surface (TV 2022)

Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes
Surface (TV 2022): Woman almost drowns, gets amnesia, tries to piece her past life together. Did she jump? Was she pushed? Who all is having an affair? What about that embezzling? Everyone lies. She eventualy works it all out, even if she keeps some secrets for Season 2. C+

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tax Increase, Tax Decrease, Who Can Say Anymore?

Here's how the City of Richardson's weekly PR email "Week in Review" put it:

The budget also includes a $0.05421 tax rate reduction, rolling the City’s tax rate back to levels last seen in 2006.
Source: City of Richardson.

That's a "tax rate reduction", right? The City says so, right there. Not so fast.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Julia (TV 2022)

Rotten Tomatoes
Julia (TV 2022): Yet another Julia Child show, this one maybe the best of the lot. It focuses on the first season of her cooking show, featuring the drama behind-the-scenes even getting the show on the air. Sarah Lancashire captures what made Julia a unique star. B+

Friday, September 2, 2022

SBOE Waits for Right-Wing Reinforcements

It looks like the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is going to kick the can down the road, deciding to wait until next term to rewrite the Texas social studies curriculum (what we know as the TEKS). Why? It appears that the SBOE caved to pressure from right-wing Republican lawmakers who objected to the standards coming out of the curriculum committee. When the SBOE decided to delay, Republican lawmakers celebrated on Twitter, "The board voted to scrap the wokeified proposed changes to the TEKS." The likely explanation for delay is that right-wing Republicans hope that they can increase their majority on the SBOE next term and get proposals more in line with their politics.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Random Thoughts: "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."

Tweets from August, 2022:
  • 2022-08-01: Richardson moved forward with the taking of park land for construction of a 5 million gallon water tank. The City Manager describes this loss of park land as a "win-win" situation. As the old saying goes, "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
  • 2022-08-01: The applicant, anticipating another rejection, withdrew the application for student housing near UT-Dallas. I hate telling UT-Dallas students to hang on a little longer. It's obvious that housing for students is not a priority of this City Council.
  • 2022-08-01: Irony. Kentucky Noah's Ark sues insurance company over damage caused by heavy rains - CBS News.

After the jump, more random thoughts.