Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Unavailable" Does Not Mean "Easy Access"

On March 5, 2012, the City of Richardson launched a new design for the city's website. It's been almost three months since then? What's your verdict?

Personally, I find that whereas the redesign might look a little more modern (maybe), I can't find information any more easily than before. One of the goals of the redesign was to make the website friendlier to mobile devices. That's good, but I can't comment on it as I don't access the website except on full-sized screen connected to a desktop computer.

After the jump, what is a killer issue for me.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mariners 21, Rangers 8

From 2012 00 Miscellaneous

21-8. That's not a football score. That's the score the Seattle Mariners ran up on the Texas Rangers Wednesday night. The game was a disappointment, but I do have to say we had good seats. Or a good view. Or something.

Another photo after the jump, to prove we were there.

Twelve Not So Angry Men (and Women)

From 2012 05 Dallas

Yesterday, I reported what I was up to all last week. Called to jury duty on Monday in Dallas County civil court, I was selected and served until Friday before the jury reached a verdict and was discharged by the judge.

For those interested in the case (DC-10-02003), I'll summarize after the jump.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jury Duty No-Shows

From 2012 05 Dallas

Editorial writer Jim Mitchell of The Dallas Morning News says that jury duty no-shows are a problem with no solution. He says less than 20% of the residents of Dallas County who are summoned for jury duty actually show up. Based on my recent experience, that sounds about right. Assuming the juror numbers are sequentially assigned based on summonses, 277 people had to be summoned to create a 42 person jury pool for the trial I was called for last week.

After the jump, why it's a problem.

Monday, May 28, 2012

DeGolyer Welcomes Chihuly

From 2012 05 Chihuly

An exhibition of glass sculptures by Dale Chihuly is on display at the Dallas Arboretum May 5 - November 5.

More photos from our Memorial Day visit after the jump.