In a word, principle. In two words, simplistic principle. In a phrase, simplistic principle to the point of parody.
Q. How many Libertarians does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. If the government would just leave the damn light bulb alone, it would change itself.
A simplistic principle applied reflexively to every problem is like a broken clock that's correct twice a day. When it's correct, you nod your head in admiration. More often you shake your head in utter disbelief. Libertarians are nothing if not consistent, even when it doesn't serve their electoral chances. That's why they don't win elections.
John Jay Myers, the Libertarian running for Congress in the 32nd District against long-time incumbent Pete Sessions, who is anything but principled, is no exception. After the jump, the Libertarian admirably gets it right on this summer's ginned up political wedge issue, the so-called Ground Zero Mosque (which is neither on Ground Zero, nor properly speaking, a mosque). Too bad it won't win him many votes.