Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Council Recap: Ferris Wheel and Outdoor Music

Source: h/t DALL-E

On June 3, 2024, the Richardson City Council held a public hearing on a request for a new development in Restaurant Park on US 75 of a brew pub and food truck business with live outdoor music. Oh, and a 45 ft. Ferris Wheel. This was unanimously approved by City Council.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Eileen (2023)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Eileen (2023): Psychological character study. Young, lonely woman living with her alcoholic father is fascinated by a glamorous new counselor in the youth prison where she works. As their friendship deepens, matters slowly turn dark. Reality and fantasy blur. B-


Monday, June 3, 2024

Franklin (TV 2024)

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes

Franklin (TV 2024): Docudrama about Ben Franklin's years as an American diplomat in Paris. It's a painless way to learn history, but Michael Douglas as Ben Franklin? Forget it. In its favor, costumes and sets are beautiful. C+

Apple TV+

Sunday, June 2, 2024

POTD: Catedral del Mazapan

"Gleaming sugar shrine,
Kids outside are unimpressed.
Toledo still grand."

—h/t ChatGPT
From 2023 09 15 Toledo

Today's photo-of-the-day is from Toledo, Spain. The photo shows kids hanging around outside a marzipan store which is named after a prized display in the store: a model cathedral made out of marzipan. Unimpressed is the vibe I get from the kids. Your own mileage may vary. But Toledo itself is undeniably a great city.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Random Thoughts: Taking Down the UT-Dallas Protestors' Encampment


2024-05-02: Taking down the protestors' encampment at UT-Dallas involved officers from UT-D, Richardson, Allen (SWAT), Collin County Sheriff, and Texas Rangers. That shows impressive coordination...and maybe needless risk, as coordination on that scale doesn't come easily.

2024-05-02: Maybe they all have experience taking down homeless encampments. If so, you'd think any one of them was probably up to the task at hand. From reports, everything was peaceful before (and during and after) the police move.