Monday, June 26, 2023

Thinking Outside the Big Orange Box

Source: City of Richardson

Richardson taxpayers voted to approve issuing $46 million in bonds to partially pay for a new City Hall, the old one having suffered a disastrous fire. The City hired consultants to gather inputs from Richardson stakeholders. They interviewed Councilmembers already. If they had interviewed me, what I would have told them is below. The rest of the public can now weigh in, too.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

POTD: Tourist

From 2022 10 28 Rome

This photo-of-the-day is from Vatican City in Italy. I don't know this man's story. I imagine him as a simple tourist. Visiting what has been the center of one of the world's great religions since the 4th century. Posing for a photo, because that's what tourists do. Eating an ice cream cone, because of course. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

POTD: Pilgrim

From 2022 10 28 Rome

This photo-of-the-day is from Vatican City in Italy. I don't know this woman's story. I imagine her as a pilgrim. Visiting the center of the religion she's devoted her life to. Carrying what worldly belongings she needs in a rolling suitcase — a change of clothes, a Bible, a rosary. Crossing the street at a crosswalk, because that's what nuns do. Turning her head to St. Peter's Basilica, because that's where her thoughts lie. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Council Sound Bites: 2023/06/19

Source: DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI

The City of Richardson had a City Council worksession June 19, 2023. The agenda had some weighty topics: DART, Comprehensive Plan, and Mobility Work Plan. I'm not going to cover what was presented. You can review the slides used in the presentation yourself. Or watch the four hour video. I'm just going to cherry pick a few questions, comments, and suggestions made by Councilmembers. Call these my nominees for the best comments of the night.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Book Review: Remarkably Bright Creatures

From Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt:

Remarkably Bright Creatures


"Darkness suits me. Each evening, I await the click of the overhead lights, leaving only the glow from the main tank. Not perfect, but close enough. Almost-darkness, like the middle-bottom of the sea."

Book Review: Remarkably Bright Creatures: Story of an octopus and two aquarium night janitors who care for him. He repays them with clues to a mystery. The octopus is way too bright. Coincidences abound. A heartwarming, workmanlike story with something for all ages. B+

After the jump, my full review.