Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Q&A: Financing with Bonds

Question: Do you think school districts should sell bonds to pay for capital improvements or do you think they should have a capital improvement savings fund?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

POTD: Dinner Idea or Ninja Star?

From 2015 03 18 Siem Reap
Today's photo-of-the-day is from a market in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Fifty points to whomever can identify what the woman is reaching for. Hint: it is an animal, not a weapon. A bonus fifty points if you can say what it tastes like.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Knocking Down Statues Won't Change The Past

That's what Jacquielynn Floyd said in her The Dallas Morning News column after some vandal spray painted the word "SHAME" on the base of the grand statue of General Robert E. Lee on horseback in Dallas's Lee Park.

How about instead of "knocking down" statues, we just move them to a museum hall of shame? Moving from a place of honor a statue of a man who led a white supremacist army in rebellion against the United States of America won't change the past. But it does quit honoring that shameful past. If you insist on keeping our shameful history on public display, at least put up a prominent plaque explaining that shame. No one would spray paint that.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

#@!% Comments

I've switched The Wheel over to a Facebook commenting system. There are some advantages, but there are disadvantages as well. For one, you have to have a Facebook account to comment (or Yahoo! or Hotmail). I hate that, but most people are on Facebook now, right? For another, the "Recent Comments" widget won't show any Facebook comments. I'll be deleting it in due course to avoid confusion.

Going forward, new comments have to be entered using the Facebook comment box. I'm leaving the old style comments visible, but if this is confusing, I might end up hiding the old comments. But I'd rather not do that. Dilemma, dilemma. I know...first world problem.

The rules for commenting remain the same. Comments are welcome, but anonymous comments are not. Keep it courteous, keep it clean, keep it on topic, and always advance the conversation. Comments in violation of that policy may be deleted from this website.

Friday, July 10, 2015

POTD: Fill 'er up with Johnnie Walker Black

From 2015 03 18 Siem Reap
Fill 'er up with Johnnie Walker Black. Or Red. Or Gordon's Gin. Or any old liquor bottle. Today's photo-of-the-day is from Siem Reap, Cambodia, where roadside stands make use of old liquor bottles to conveniently sell a liter of gasoline to the drivers of motorbikes and tuk tuks that dominate the traffic in Siem Reap.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Peering into the Dallas Looking Glass

Dallas city government is dysfunctional. It's not even a provocative thing to say anymore, is it? Everyone knows it's true. It's almost self evident, right?

In case you don't know that (perhaps you don't live within shouting distance of Dallas), you might want to check out this story in The Dallas Morning News by Elizabeth Findell. City council members shout at each other. City Council members shout at city staff. There's a whole lotta shoutin' going on.

But if you knew that already, you can just jump ahead to this story in FrontBurner by Peter Simek. He reads between the lines of Findell's story to understand the structural reasons behind all that shouting.

Peer into the Dallas looking glass and you might have a hard time seeing Richardson. Well, maybe if I cock my head just so, I think I see Richardson's future.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How Texas is Whitewashing History

The white supremacists might be on the defensive in South Carolina, where there are calls to haul down the Confederate flag from the state capitol, but in Texas the whitewashing of history is standing strong. If you have a child in Texas public schools, he or she is probably being taught shameful lies about American history.