Monday, May 19, 2014

So-Called Mixed-Use Development

Last week brought news of another mixed-use development coming to Richardson -- Northside at UTD -- and the expansion of another -- Eastside. That's on top of earlier news of two expansions to Richardson's premiere mixed-used development CityLine. First was the announcement that Raytheon would build new offices there. Second was that Whole Foods would anchor a new retail development there.

All this is great news for Richardson. The city is growing. The growth is balanced between commercial and residential. So, why am I not ecstatic? After the jump, my wistful epiphany.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure, at DTC

Dallas Theater Center
Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure, at DTC: Played straight, like a greatest hits collection. A perfectly serviceable mystery. B-

Friday, May 16, 2014

May in the Steger Garden (2014)

From Flowers
The photo was taken on Mother's Day, but I waited until today to publish it because mothers deserved to be honored more than one day a year.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Mayor and the Schools: Candidly

Yesterday, we looked at a controversy Richardson Mayor Laura Maczka created by recording a robo-call endorsing a candidate in the Richardson ISD school board race.

Today, we look at how Maczka herself sees the controversy.
Candidly, the reason I did the call is because I was asked. Rachel Chumney is my neighbor, our children attend the same school, and I got to know her in the last school board election, but as I told the city manager yesterday, endorsements matter but they really don't.

I honestly don't know if my endorsement is really all that important.
After the jump, candidly.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Mayor and the Schools: Picking the Trustees

Richardson Mayor Laura Maczka found herself in some hot water with some voters for recording a robo-call endorsing one candidate in the Richardson ISD school board race.

And it wasn't just voters who were concerned. RISD trustee Kris Oliver said:
Some of you may have received messages from Richardson civic leaders suggesting you vote based on the candidate's city of residence; I urge you to reject this notion and remember that all of our trustees serve at large without regard for any particular geography. Please vote for the candidate you feel has the best qualifications, not the best zip code.

RISD trustee Adam Meierhofer said:
I am not sure if there is much precedent for the Mayor of Dallas, Richardson, or Garland endorsing candidates for the RISD school board.

There is precedent in RISD for a strong team of trustees. I understand this has created some distraction and could potentially be divisive, but the board has a strong legacy for collaborating and serving with whomever the community elects, wherever they may reside.

After the jump, I weigh in.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Creationism in Science Class in RISD

Do you think Creationism should be taught in science classes? That was the yes/no question asked of the five candidates for Richardson ISD school board at a League of Women Voters forum April 24, 2014.

Four candidates answered no. Justin Bono said yes.

My reaction? Horror. "His actions on the RISD school board deserve heightened scrutiny to make sure the district as a whole does nothing to promote this misguided idea."

Unknown to me, before I wrote that, Justin Bono had already clarified his answer (my bad). After the jump, Justin Bono's clarification.

Monday, May 12, 2014

RISD School Board Election Analysis

Justin Bono and Kristin Kuhne won election to the Richardson ISD school board Saturday by large margins. Unofficial results:

  • Place 6
    • Justin Bono: 64%
    • Rachel Chumney: 36%
  • Place 7
    • Kristin Kuhne: 69%
    • Judy Yarbrough: 23%
    • Bonnie Abadie: 8%

After the jump, I'll give my own analysis of the election, which is just my opinion, of course. There was no exit polling done to learn from the voters as a whole why they voted the way they did.